Supporting the scientific study and practice of lucid dreaming.


If you’ve ever been aware you were dreaming as you continued to dream, you’ve had a lucid dream. Our mission is to assist people in having lucid dreams, empowering them to experience lucid dreams with greater skill and frequency. Supporting and informed by current scientific research, we aim to dispel misinformation about lucid dreams and how to have them .

Lucid Dream Induction

We’re developing easy-to-use, comfortable, and inexpensive peripherals for home use. These devices work with our software platform to sense physiological state and provide sensory cues (e.g. low-intensity lights and sounds that dreamers can perceive while remaining asleep) during the REM sleep stage for pairings with preparatory waking practices. The system is adaptable to various strategies that peer-reviewed research has shown to be effective.

Smart software platform 

Standardized local software receives data from common polysomnography (physiological sleep monitoring) sensor types and choreographs output to local hardware components that produce sensory stimuli. Lucid dreams can be signal-verified, and other subjective dream experiences can likewise be signaled and time-stamped alongside polysomnography data.

Local device software communicates to a cloud-based software platform to store long-term data and receive induction protocol and other software updates. Insights gleaned from larger data sets and multiple users can accelerate progress toward increasingly effective lucid dream induction. Likewise, this system enables experimental design involving simple communication to and from lucid dreamers.

For Dreamers

Intelligent software helps you learn the prerequisites and tune your induction approach. Software adapts to your sleep patterns and lucid dreaming experience level. Multiple tactics help you to not only achieve lucidity, but remain lucid longer.


For Researchers

A data collection platform enables you to access anonymized and opted-in usage information that you and your team can use to help you study the lucid dreaming state, design experiments and develop increasingly effective induction protocols.